Kendisha Illona is my cousin, mm, actually I really don’t wanna have her as cousin, but my sister :P She’s a very ambitious, clever and powerful girl. We did and do lot of things together. We share everything. We tell each other what we like and dislike, we did silly things together, and of course understand and loving each other. In anytime soon, she’ll going to Germany for her collage for maybe 3 years. Whoaaa, you’ll leave me alone in Indo :( Oiya, today is her 18th birthday, and because she is vewy vewwwy special, so I write about her birthday in this blog :D :D :D
Yeaaay, Happy Birthday my little super duper sister! Hm, semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu, selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT, bisa nyenengin Ibu & Papa, gk lupa sama The Pams, dan yg pasti makin sayang sama akyuuuu :D hehehee. 18? Asik dehhhh, makin tua. Makin gede, makin harus tanggung jawab, makin rajin sholat, dan makin oke tentunya :D Oiya, you have to always remember my words for you about going international ya! (kaya penyanyi ya pake going international, hahahaaa). Don’t’ let me down & don’t turn off your skype-line! Kita harus sering- sering skype ya pas kamu di Jerman nanti, oke? Gaaaah, I’m gonna miss you, Deeeek L setahun sekali pulang kaaaan? HAYUUUSSS! Ato engga, aku yg kesanaa (kaya punya duit banyak ya aku! Hahah). Oke deh, we’ll catch up later, once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Adeeeek-ku. Have a blast & have a great year! You know I love you, and I’ll always do. XOXOXO
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We do "things" together! |
ReplyDeletetadi pas aku baca di resto udah kayak nahan berebes mili, makanya langsung telpon, i feel LIKE HUGGING YOU SUPER TIGHT UNTIL U CAN BARELY BREATHEEE... (hehe huss, nggak deng, jgn sampe) :3
anyways, it is super sweet.. Makasih banyak ya Mbak.. I feel really grateful to be a part of the Soebagjo Sokeardjo family, sampe bisa ketemu-mengenal mbak..emang semua udah diatur sama yg Mahakuasa.
Terima kasih banyak juga mbak selama ini nggak pernah boseeen dengerin ade cerita, ngedumel, jayusan, sampe tahan kalo ade lagi bete.. dan sebenernya mbak salah satu orang yg tau baik busuk (banyakan busuknya) ade.. and thank you that you can accept me for who i am..
Makasih juga mbak udah BANYAK ngajarin dan expose your world to me through all your (mostly love) stories.. <3
For that, you're already a part of me.. and I don't see a way if i can ever forget you even if we're apart.. yes, we shall be reconnected by skype :D and you'll always be in my heart. Genuinely mean it.