"As long as we can see the same sky, breathe the same air, step on the same planet, then You & I are not impossible"
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Every women have same rights and have to be treated right! Check this dialogues:
“Kesetiaan akan selalu menang..” – hal 127
Ada kenangan yang menggores hatinya sekejap, yang cepat- cepat ditepiskannya. Segera digantinya kesedihan dengan sebaris senyum. “Aku pulang”, bisiknya senang. “Untuk membuka lembaran baru yang lebih indah. Aku tahu. Tuhan selalu beri kesempatan kedua.” – hal 143
“Kalau ia memang jodohku, maka dekatkanlah, jika ia bukan jodohku, maka jauhkanlah….” Sampai disini Nunung berhenti berdoa. “Jangan… jangan pisahkan kami, ya Allah… Permudahlah jalanku menuju kepadanya….” – hal 170
“Lho, Mas, aku sedang tidak perlu beli apa- apa di luar,” sergahnya dengan mimik sok polos. Lama Karim terdiam. Menatap. Hanya menatap Nunung, “Aku…,” gumamnya perlahan, setelah ia tahu apa jawaban yang dicarinya, “…aku kangen, Nung. Mung kowe sing iso nambani keselku… Cuma kamu yang bisa mengusir capekku….” – hal 171
“Mas…,” panggil Nunung galau. Ditatapnya Karim dengan air mata menggenang. “Aku… aku janda, Mas…”. Angin seperti berhenti bertiup. Bahkan ombak seperti berhenti berdesir. Karim berhenti tercenung, memandangi Nunung lekat- lekat. Tanpa kata- kata. Dan kesunyian menanti reaksi Karim itu terasa seperti ribuan tahun bagi Nunung. Hingga akhirnya ia melihat bibir Karim bergerak- gerak. Seperti ingin mengutarakan sesuatu. Seperti ingin mengungkapkan sesuatu yang sangat berat. Tapi akhirnya ia mencetuskan kalimat itu. Perlahan. Sederhana. “Aku… aku menerimamu, Nung… Siapa pun kamu….” – hal 181
Keputusan Nunung sudah bulat. Tidak ada dua perempuan didalam satu rumah tangga. Hanya ada satu ranjang pengantin bagi setiap perkawinan. Tidak pernah ada manusia yang adil membagi cinta.
Nunung meminta Karim dan Tini meninggalkannya. Percuma Karim membujuknya. Sia- sia Tini memohon. Nunung tetap pada prinsipnya. Perempuan tidak boleh menyakiti sesama perempuan. Hanya ada satu istri bagi setiap laki- laki. – hal 226
“Kamu harus bisa, Nung” kata Rossa memberi kekuatan. “Kalau kita mau meraih masa depan, kita harus melangkah ke depan, bukan ke belakang.”
“Dan melupakan masa lalu?” tanya Nunung sedih.
“Tidak, Nung,” sahut Rossa lembut. “Hanya kenangan pahit yang bisa membuat kita menjadi manusia yang lebih baik. Karena kita jadi belajar untuk tidak mengulangi kesalahan yang sama.” – hal 376
Rossa meraih tangan dilla, mengambil tangan Inge, lalu menggenggam tangan mereka bersamaan, hingga menyatukan ketiga tangan mereka. Tidak saling melukai. Tidak saling mendendam. Begitulah seharusnya perempuan terhadap perempuan. – hal 418
From the book JANDA- JANDA KOSMOPOLITAN by Andrei Aksana.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Red Card for Gerard Pique :'(
Barcelona vs Getafe, February 7th 2010.
Getafe vs Barcelona, November 7th 2010.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Funny but true!!!
"Jgn pernah bergulat dengan babi. Karena kalau kamu melakukannya, kalian berdua akan menjadi kotor. Tapi bedanya, si babi akan menyukainya."
From the book: "Why Men Marry Bitches?" by Sherry Argov
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Shape of My Heart
He deals the cards as a meditation
And those he plays never suspect
He doesn't play for the money he wins
He doesn't play for the respect
He deals the cards to find the answer
The sacred geometry of chance
The hidden law of probable outcome
The numbers lead a dance
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
He may play the jack of diamonds
He may lay the queen of spades
He may conceal a king in his hand
While the memory of it fades
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape, the shape of my heart
And if I told you that I loved you
You'd maybe think there's something wrong
I'm not a man of too many faces
The mask I wear is one
Those who speak know nothing
And find out to their cost
Like those who curse their luck in too many places
And those who fear are lost
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape of my heart
And those he plays never suspect
He doesn't play for the money he wins
He doesn't play for the respect
He deals the cards to find the answer
The sacred geometry of chance
The hidden law of probable outcome
The numbers lead a dance
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
He may play the jack of diamonds
He may lay the queen of spades
He may conceal a king in his hand
While the memory of it fades
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape, the shape of my heart
And if I told you that I loved you
You'd maybe think there's something wrong
I'm not a man of too many faces
The mask I wear is one
Those who speak know nothing
And find out to their cost
Like those who curse their luck in too many places
And those who fear are lost
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape of my heart
Performed by: Sting.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Far Away From You
My world without you baby its seems so cold
Cant leave without you baby I need you so
I would give up all my love if u come home to me
It’s not the distance baby that make me go
We never see each other and it make me know
Love that we share was so far that I can never show
Baby I couldn’t lie that I miss you so
You keep saying good bye and i keep saying hello
Baby I realize that I love u more
This time
And I know it’s your future and I understand
I can’t be someone baby that you think I am
I was so fool cause I know I was letting you go
i just can't stand to be far away from you
I have my doubt realite couldn’t wait for you
Baby I made some mistake which you know that it’s true
Baby I couldn’t lie that I miss you so
You keep saying good bye and I keep saying hello
Baby I realize that I love u more
It’s time
Tonight I’ll be wishing that you would come home to me
But if your not coming I just wanna let you see
Baby I’m not lie because I want u back to me
Tonight I’ll be wishing that you would come home to me
But if your not coming I just wanna let you see
Baby I’m not lie becauseI want u back to me
Cant leave without you baby I need you so
I would give up all my love if u come home to me
It’s not the distance baby that make me go
We never see each other and it make me know
Love that we share was so far that I can never show
Baby I couldn’t lie that I miss you so
You keep saying good bye and i keep saying hello
Baby I realize that I love u more
This time
And I know it’s your future and I understand
I can’t be someone baby that you think I am
I was so fool cause I know I was letting you go
i just can't stand to be far away from you
I have my doubt realite couldn’t wait for you
Baby I made some mistake which you know that it’s true
Baby I couldn’t lie that I miss you so
You keep saying good bye and I keep saying hello
Baby I realize that I love u more
It’s time
Tonight I’ll be wishing that you would come home to me
But if your not coming I just wanna let you see
Baby I’m not lie because I want u back to me
Tonight I’ll be wishing that you would come home to me
But if your not coming I just wanna let you see
Baby I’m not lie becauseI want u back to me
Performed by: Music For Sale.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
John Lennon - Imagine
Happy 70th Birthday Sir John! Big thanks for everything you did for world peace. May God bless you as always!
Obrolan pukul 11:50 malam (--_--")
Rhea says:
ber, sumpah itu foto siapaa???
ber, sumpah itu foto siapaa???
Bramantyo Wisnu says:
itu foto gw
Rhea says:
Bramantyo Wisnu says:
yg sebelah mantan gw namanya carolin
bule2 gt deh
rambutnya aja burgundy gt
Rhea says:
demi dewa awan dan langit ya Ber, plis ganti foto yg beneran!
Bramantyo Wisnu says:
itu beneran gw
ko org2 pd gasuka sih sm foto gw
Rhea says:
au ah
gue diem sampe lo ganti foto LO!
Bramantyo Wisnu says:
emgnya gw disitu krg ganteng ya
apa terlalu ganteng sampe lo ga suka gara2 takut kesengsem
kecakyepan kali ya gw mungkin
jadi waktu itu tuh gw ga sengaja ketemu caroline pas d terminal
dulu kan gw jambret
pas gw mau ngambil dompet dia, eh ketauwan
pas dia balik badan, dang!
tb2 kaya liat bidadari gt gw, love at first sight
dlm hati gw jd berdoa, "ya Tuhan kalau dia adalah jodohku pertemukanlah aku dlm kondisi yg berbeda" eh ternyata doa gw dkabulin
pas seminggu kemudian gw lg naik bis, tb2 ky ada yg ngerogoh kantong gw
pas gw nengok, eh doi yg nyopet gw!
dlm hati gw jd berdoa, "ya Tuhan kalau dia adalah jodohku pertemukanlah aku dlm kondisi yg berbeda" eh ternyata doa gw dkabulin
pas seminggu kemudian gw lg naik bis, tb2 ky ada yg ngerogoh kantong gw
pas gw nengok, eh doi yg nyopet gw!
Ini dia foto ajaibnya:
Thanks to: Bramantyo Wisnu.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Saya & Metro Mini 72
Hari ini saya pulang kampus dengan jalur yang berbeda dari biasanya. Kalau biasanya saya pulang lewat jalur Rawa Belong – Permata Hijau – Pondok Indah, tadi saya mencoba jalur baru: Jl Anggrek – Permata Hijau – Blok M – Radal. Banyak banget hal yg saya baru lihat karena melewati jalur “baru” tersebut. Salah satunya adalah hal yg saya pengen ceritakan disini.
Dari Permata Hijau saya naik Metro Mini 70 jurusan Blok M – Joglo. Sampai di blok M, saya menunggu Metro Mini 72 di terminal (Alhamdulillah dapat tempat duduk). Saya duduk tepat dibelakang kemudi supir Metro Mini. Saya bisa langsung menyaksikan hal- hal apa saja yg si supir lakukan. Supir nya masih muda. Kira- kira umurnya 22 – 26 tahun. Saya sempat berdecak kagum, karena untuk ukuran supir Metro Mini, si supir ini termasuk masih muda. Selagi saya memperhatikan gerak gerik si supir. Saya baru sadar bahwa belum ada “pendamping” alias kenek di bis ini. Ah paling nanti di tengah jalan juga sudah ada yg menagih bayaran, pikir saya. Cukup lama bis ini me”ngetem” di terminal, mengumpulkan penumpang sampai berdesak- desakan (salah satu khas kota Jakarta). Akhirnya bis ini keluar dari terminal dan si supir melambai- lambai kepada seorang anak kecil yg berada di depan bis kami. Anak kecil itu lalu menghampiri si supir dari jendela si supir. Entah apa yg mereka bicarakan, saya tidak mengerti, namun setelah pembicaraan mereka selesai, si anak kecil tersebut lalu naik ke bis kami, lalu berseru- seru “Yoo Bulus bulus bulussssss, mall, bulus bulus bulussss”. Ya, anak kecil tersebut adalah si kenek.
Anak kecil itu sangat- sangat lincah dalam melakukan tugasnya. Saya sampai sempat ternganga begitu menyadari bahwa dia adalah keneknya. Bagaimana tidak, umurnya hanya sekitar 5 – 7 tahun! Dengan fasihnya dia berteriak kesana kemari meneriakkan jurusan bis kami. Berjalan keluar bis, berusaha mencari penumpang lain yg masih di luar bis. Saya kira bukan hanya saya, beberapa pejalan kaki di pinggir jalan pun saya dapati sedang ternganga sambil menunjuk ke arah si kenek. Hati dan pikiran saya sempat berdebat antara bangga dan sedih. Di satu sisi, saya merasa bangga sekali bahwa si kenek di umurnya yg sama sekali belum dewasa, bahkan belum remaja, sudah dengan lincahnya berlari- lari dan berkecimpung di dunia jalanan kota Jakarta. Namun di satu sisi, hati saya miris, bagaimana bisa anak kecil ini mencari uang dan tidak menuntut ilmu? Kemana orang tuanya?. Selagi hati dan pikiran saya berdebat dan belum ada keputusan antara bangga dan sedih, mungkin saat itu mulut saya belum terlalu lebar ternganga sebelum akhirnya saya melihat si kenek menghisap rokok yg biasa dihisap oleh orang dewasa (seandainya saja saya berani menyebutkan merk nya). Saya lalu geleng- geleng kepala.
Jadi, bagaimana?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The day KENDISHA went to Germany!
Thursday, September 23rd 2010
Good luck my super duper little sister! I’m gonna missing you every single day and I know you will miss me too (haha, PeDe!). Beat your study there and come home soon! Feel free to call me anytime my skype on :D Take care in Klose’s town! Love ya :*
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
When we got a good thing
Everybody keeps telling me I'm such a lucky man,
Lookin' at you standing there, I know I am.
Barefoot beauty with eyes that blue,
Sunshine sure looks good on you, I swear.
Oh I can't believe I finally found ya, baby.
Happy ever after, after all this time.
Oh there's gonna be some ups and downs,
But with you to wrap my arms around, I'm fine.
So baby, hold on tight.
Don't let go!
Hold on to the love we're makin',
'Cause baby when the ground starts shakin'
you gotta know, when you got a good thing.
You know you keep on bringin' out the best in me,
And I need you now, even more than the air I breathe.
You can make me laugh when I want to cry.
This will last forever, I just know.
I know!
So baby, hold on tight.
Don't let go!
Hold on to the love we're makin',
'Cause baby when the ground starts shakin'
You gotta know, when you got a good thing.
We got a good thing, baby!
So hold on tight.
Baby, don't let go!
Hold on to the love we're makin',
'Cause baby when the ground starts shakin'
You gotta know,
When you got a good thing, we got a good thing Baby
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Kendisha's day!
Kendisha Illona is my cousin, mm, actually I really don’t wanna have her as cousin, but my sister :P She’s a very ambitious, clever and powerful girl. We did and do lot of things together. We share everything. We tell each other what we like and dislike, we did silly things together, and of course understand and loving each other. In anytime soon, she’ll going to Germany for her collage for maybe 3 years. Whoaaa, you’ll leave me alone in Indo :( Oiya, today is her 18th birthday, and because she is vewy vewwwy special, so I write about her birthday in this blog :D :D :D
Yeaaay, Happy Birthday my little super duper sister! Hm, semoga panjang umur, sehat selalu, selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT, bisa nyenengin Ibu & Papa, gk lupa sama The Pams, dan yg pasti makin sayang sama akyuuuu :D hehehee. 18? Asik dehhhh, makin tua. Makin gede, makin harus tanggung jawab, makin rajin sholat, dan makin oke tentunya :D Oiya, you have to always remember my words for you about going international ya! (kaya penyanyi ya pake going international, hahahaaa). Don’t’ let me down & don’t turn off your skype-line! Kita harus sering- sering skype ya pas kamu di Jerman nanti, oke? Gaaaah, I’m gonna miss you, Deeeek L setahun sekali pulang kaaaan? HAYUUUSSS! Ato engga, aku yg kesanaa (kaya punya duit banyak ya aku! Hahah). Oke deh, we’ll catch up later, once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Adeeeek-ku. Have a blast & have a great year! You know I love you, and I’ll always do. XOXOXO
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